jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

In the exhibit "La Espera-The waitting" we had statistics about family violence in Nuevo León. 75% of the women do not make an official complaint to the law. More recent research is needed, 72 women were killed in 2010 in the city of Monterrey due to domestic violence.
This is a series of 15 lino and wood prints nude women . The drawing were taken in a live figure drawing open group at Monterrey.


lunes, 20 de julio de 2015

Grabados 2015.G Victorica

Guadalupe Victorica Printmaking

From the series Migrants and Women Survivors of Violence.

Parte de 6 grabados seleccionados en la Reseña de Nuevo León, Monterrey México. Grabados de madear y Linoleo de Guadalupe Victorica.

Mujeres Sobrevivientes de Violencia. Grabado.

Grabado Guadalupe Victorica.

Grabados Monotipo y Linoleo expuestos en Soporte papel Arte AC/Tecnólogico de Monterrey.

Women Survivors of Violence Printmaking Guadalupe Victorica



Grabados Migrantes Guadalupe Victorica

jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Prints Tin Dirdamal (my son) documentary

These are the drawings for the third print. I was going to make three but now I will do a series about loliness and depresion that has inspired me for my survivors of violence theme.

Saludos from Mexico